Rank and Testing

From a historical perspective, testing for karate ranks is a relatively new practice.  Prior to the 1930’s there were no tests and no ranks as we know them today.  However, in recent years the practice of recognizing progress through testing has become widespread.  One must never lose sight of the truth that has remained unchanged since the earliest days; it is not the rank that is important, it is what you know and how you live as a person that determines real progress.

In the Ryusyokai, rank is not seen as a rite of passage. There are no three-day black belt tests with fasting, long-distance runs or one-hour sparring sessions against the entire dojo. We train hard on a regular basis and the grading procedure is a means of giving feedback to students in order to help them chart their course for the next phase of their training. There are ten “kyu” ranks and ten “dan” ranks in the Ryusyokai. Kyu ranks are temporary and are revoked if a student stops training for a consecutive month of classes. However, students may test their way back to their previously-held rank if they can perform the requirements within the syllabus for the appropriate rank. Dan ranks are permanent and are given with the approval of the Ryusyokai So-Hombu (headquarters) in Okinawa, Japan. Each rank is permanently recorded and all fees go to the So-Hombu.

As a Shinjinbukai member, I do not test or rank students who are training Ti. I, myself, am not interested in obtaining rank within the Shinjinbukan and have been instructed to teach what I know to people who want to learn. Those who would like to obtain formal rank in the Shinjinbukan can discuss this with me privately and I will put you in contact with the appropriate parties. The Shinjinbukan rank requirements can be found here.

The following rules were largely copied word-for-word from a class handout authored by Paul Babladelis sensei in 1995. Please follow these rules with regard to testing:

  • The teacher will invite you to test.  DO NOT ASK THE TEACHER IF YOU CAN TEST.  In the Ryusyokai the teacher will watch to see if a student can adequately perform the necessary requirements needed to advance.  Once the student can regularly perform the kata and drills correctly they will be invited to test.


  • Bring your Ryusyokai membership card to the dojo on the day of the test. Students will receive their membership card on the date of their 9th Kyu test results. The teacher will record the date of your test and new rank on the back of your card, which will be returned to you along with the results of your test.


  • Do not expect to learn the results of your test on test day.  Most often test results are awarded up to a week later.  Students who pass are publicly awarded their belt and/or test results.  Students who do not pass are privately given their test results and the sensei will help them develop a plan to pass on their next try.


  • Attitude and natural ability are BOTH factors in testing.  A person who misses many classes will wait longer before testing. A person who is considerate and helpful to others in the dojo will be looked upon favorably. A person who is boastful or arrogant shows that they have not developed properly and are not ready for an advanced rank.


  • All people are tested with regard to their own natural ability. More is expected of someone who has natural physical talent. If someone tries very hard and studies, but has a difficult time physically, they are qualified to test and progress. Students who do not know the core elements of the rank they are testing for will not be promoted.